Good Dividend Paying ETFs for 2025
If you are like me, you love seeing those dividend payments coming in each month. We have 5 Roth IRAs, and 3 of them are heavily invested in Dividend ETFs. At Schwab Investments, I monitor how many dividends we get each month and try to balance it out to give us equal dividends each month. Some of these dividends come from ETFs, others are actual dividend-paying stocks.
David Parham
1/29/20252 min read

DISCLAIMER - I am not a Financial Advisor and do not work for any Brokerage Firm. The opinions given are my own and are not to be used as professional advice. These are my findings and can hopefully help you to make informed decisions on investing. Consult a Broker or Lawyer before making any investment.
Good Dividend ETFs Investment for 2025
If you are like me, you love seeing those dividend payments coming in each month. We have 5 Roth IRAs, and 3 of them are heavily invested in Dividend ETFs. At Schwab Investments, I monitor how many dividends we get each month and try to balance it out to give us equal dividends each month. Some of these dividends come from ETFs, others are actual dividend-paying stocks.
We wrote an article last year called Dividends Every Week of the Year and explained how to find investments
While the returns might vary on some months, you can still do well investing in DGI Dividend Growth Stocks or Preferred Stocks,
Kiplinger’s Magazine did a great article on 5 new high paying Dividend ETFs for 2025. Only one of these seems unbalanced as it is tied to just one stock. But these are all high paying ETFs.
Some ETFs pay dividends monthly, while others do quarterly. You have to research each one to know which are the best.
If you are unfamiliar with ETFs, they stand for Exchange Traded Funds. They normally are on a specific type of stock. Some are managed, and some are just a complete set of all stocks making up a specific category. Many of these listed ETFs are managed, meaning a manager is overseeing the purchase of specific stocks. This can be good or bad, but in Dividend Growth Stocks, I believe it is good.
If you have been purchasing Dividend Growth Stocks already, you may have found it hard to decide which stocks are the best in paying a good dividend and also having a lot of upside in stock price. What I love about ETFs is it is over a huge number of stocks, so you get an average of those making up the ETF.
Here is a list of some DIVIDEND GROWTH ETFs
VIG – Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETF
SCHD – Schwab US Dividend Equity ETF
DRGO – Ishares Core Dividend Growth ETF
FDHY – Fidelity Enhanced High Yield ETF
FVD – First Trust Value Line Dividend Index Fund
SDIV – Global X Super Dividend ETF
AMPL – Algerian MLP ETF
VNQ – Vanguard Real Estate ETF
NOBL – Pro-Shares S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats ETF
LVHD – Legg Mason Low Volatity Dividend ETF
DHS – Wisdom Tree US High Dividend ETF
SDY – SPDY Series Trust S8P Dividend Aristocrats ETF
FDVV – Fidelity High Dividend ETF
AOA – I-Shares Aggressive Allocation Dividends ETF
I want to mention that AOA is an ETF over a broad range of other Dividend ETFs. This might be the safest of all these due to the large amount of diversification.
Another great set of Highly Profitable Dividend ETFs that use Covered Calls to enhance dividends are in this link above. These are very good at returning high dividends.
The key to successful investing is being consistent in your monthly contributions. If you start at a young age, you will have a substantial amount in your Retirement fund at your retirement time.
I hope this article is a help for you to find some good quality Dividend paying ETFs.
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